The Bilsthorpe Wind Farm is located in Nottinghamshire
Equivalent Homes Served
Number of Turbines
Equivalent Homes Served
Number of Turbines
Number of Turbines
Equivalent Homes Served
The Bilsthorpe Wind Farm is owned by Bilsthorpe Wind Farm Limited.
NO MM82 Senvion turbines each with a three-bladed rotor, active pitch control and variable speed operation with a rated power of 2,040kW each.
Each year an average of 19,695 MWh of renewable electricity is produced, this is enough power 4,874 residential properties, based upon the national average electricity consumption statistics.
Each year Bilsthorpe Wind Farm makes a contributions totalling £45,000 to its local parish councils, Eakring Parish Council and Bilsthorpe Parish Council. More information can be found at the respective parish council websites.
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